SEO Expertise / Content Creator / Website Management

Back Story has quickly built itself up to become one of the leading companies in America for code discounts. Like Honey in the UK, owns SimplyCodes, Knoji, and Dealspotr, all of which offer customers the chance to save on their online shopping.

I was tasked with developing high-quality SEO content that could use to drive more traffic to their brands and improve their brand reputation with customers.


What I Did

Sourced high-value, low-competition keywords

Firstly, it was essential to establish opportunities that could entice’s target audience onto their site. This research varied depending on the brand. For SimplyCodes, the content was based around significant American holidays, such as leading into Black Friday or Valentine's Day.

For Knoji and Dealspotr, where the audience is slightly more tech-savvy, the focus was on new technology, writing informative guides and linking to discount codes

Wrote engaging, helpful content for consumers that helped improve brand reputation

Once the topics were established, I wrote fun, light-hearted, and engaging content. This project offered me a fantastic opportunity to show off my humorous side and write long, in-depth, compelling articles that thoroughly covered all the subjects.

Published articles and provided detailed reporting on website performance

Finally, I published these articles onto the SimplyCodes, Dealspotr, and Knoji websites, ensuring imagery was the correct size for optimal performance, SEO tags were included, and all formatting was suitable for Google. 

Once up and running, I provided weekly reports to on how each article performed and what was scheduled for the following week.

The Results

As a result of this work, saw an increase in traffic across all three sites, with many articles used by other companies as backlinks due to the extensive and detailed content included. 

This furthered the brand's Google rank reputation and led to an increase in sales.

  • SimplyCodes went from 17k organic traffic to 26.9k

  • Knoji went from 9.1k organic traffic to 15.2k

  • Dealspotr went from 7.2k organic traffic to 14.6k

  • The SimplyCodes domain